Our Elder Law and Estate Planning Case Results

Whether you are planning ahead to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren or you are in the middle of a nursing home crisis, the information in our free legal library articles can help you understand your options in North Carolina. Learn about the kinds of trusts that are available to protect your assets and how you might be able to pay for long-term care without using up your life savings in these helpful articles.

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Guardianship of an Incapacitated Spouse or Adult Child

You may need to petition for guardianship of an adult if mental illness, disease, or physical injury leaves your loved one unable to care for themselves.

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Estate Planning Strategies for Unmarried Couples

If you intend to remain together without marrying, you and your partner need to plan for dealing with legal, health, and financial issues as you age.

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Using IRAs to Pay for Long-Term Care

Even if you had the forethought to set aside funds in a retirement account, there are still financial pitfalls to avoid when preparing for long-term care.

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Using QTIP Trusts for Asset Protection

Estate planning can be complicated if you have been married multiple times and have children from those marriages, but a QTIP trust can simplify the process.

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Dying Without an Estate Plan in NC

If you die without a proper estate plan in place, intestacy laws may see your assets divided in unexpected ways that can cause family strife.

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Choosing a Trustee

Selecting the right trustee to oversee funds is one of the most important decisions you will make with the assistance of your asset protection attorney.

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Elder Law Quality of Life Plans

Aging will throw many unexpected challenges your way, but you can remain prepared for the future with a quality of life plan in place.

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Qualifying for Medicaid for Nursing Home Coverage

Here’s everything you need to know about how an attorney can help you qualify for Medicaid nursing home coverage while remaining financially independent.

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Why You Should Consider a Special Needs Trust for Your Child

Why You Should Consider a Special Needs Trust for Your Child
A special needs trust offers peace of mind to ensure your disabled or mentally ill child is cared for long after you are gone.

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Protecting Your Assets From Nursing Home Costs

We can help you plan ahead of time with effective strategies to save your assets even when you need expensive nursing home assistance.

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How to Stay Financially Independent After Retirement

Elder law can help you plan for nursing home care without draining your assets. Stay independent with help from a skilled Wilmington, NC elder law attorney.

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How a Will Forms the Basis of Your Estate Plan

A will is an important part of a North Carolina estate plan, but it’s not the only document you may need. Learn more here.

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Nursing Homes by County in Eastern North Carolina

Review this directory of nursing homes in eastern North Carolina to learn more about long-term options available within the state.

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Parties Who May Have a Claim to Your Assets

As your assets increase, you face additional risk should you become incapacitated or pass away. Learn who may have a claim to assets intended for your heirs.

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Getting Started with Legacy Lawyers

Completing our Estate Planning Questionnaire in its entirety will allow us to make your first appointment as productive as possible.